Hello dear Mql5.com coders,I have an indicator which show;1) Profit Loss with pips2) Profit Loss with account Currency3) Profit Loss with Percentage4) it shows current symbol spread5) Time left to Close bar indicator is like this.What I Want is? I want you to add new specifications1) There is no language options please add it as input. Why I need it, for Alerts we will use it. Language / Dil Hello dear Mql5.com coders,I have an indicator which show;1) Profit Loss with pips2) Profit Loss with account Currency3) Profit Loss with Percentage4) it shows current symbol spread5) Time left to Close bar indicator is like this.What I Want is? I want you to add new specifications1) There is no language options please add it as input. Why I need it, for Alerts we will use it. Language / Dil Github最新创建的项目(2019-12-17),Factory Rise is a 2D sandbox game, focused on building, developing industries and handling resources. The game is based on Oxygen Not Included, Terraria, Factorio and some Minecraft mods (EnderIO, Industrial Craft, BuildCraft, GregTech and Thermal Expansion). Ticaret Cetveli MT5: Merhaba Arkadaşlar Ticaret cetveli ürünümüz seçeceğiniz kartlar ve girilecek pozisyon hakkında bilgiler içerir, bunlar sırasıyla 1-Karta ait açılış - 中文
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Github最新创建的项目(2019-12-17),Factory Rise is a 2D sandbox game, focused on building, developing industries and handling resources. The game is based on Oxygen Not Included, Terraria, Factorio and some Minecraft mods (EnderIO, Industrial Craft, BuildCraft, GregTech and Thermal Expansion). Hello dear Mql5.com coders,I have an indicator which show;1) Profit Loss with pips2) Profit Loss with account Currency3) Profit Loss with Percentage4) it shows current symbol spread5) Time left to Close bar indicator is like this.What I Want is? I want you to add new specifications1) There is no language options please add it as input. Why I need it, for Alerts we will use it. Language / Dil
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Hello dear Mql5.com coders,I have an indicator which show;1) Profit Loss with pips2) Profit Loss with account Currency3) Profit Loss with Percentage4) it shows current symbol spread5) Time left to Close bar indicator is like this.What I Want is? I want you to add new specifications1) There is no language options please add it as input. Why I need it, for Alerts we will use it. Language / Dil